THE AERONAUTS movie event in Pasadena Rose Bowl

After lunch Andre was drawing in the garage. He likes drawing with chalk over there. He drew a picture with sun, cloud and little rainbow. After we got in the car, Andre said to Mom: I just drew a rainbow. That was the first time he was talked/shared with us about what he did!

We then went to THE AERONAUTS movie event in Pasadena Rose Bowl. All the service people were dressed up and had British ascent as the movie was about a story happened in 1862 flight of some British aeronauts. A lot of fun, free food, drinks, games, photo booth, etc. I got a cup of ginger ale, and let Andre try it. I knew he doesn’t like all kinds of soda, and waited to see what going to happen. He looked at it really carefully, and smell it, as there are some small bubbles in it and it obvious looked specious to him. lol. He put the cup on his mouth but was really hesitate to taste it. After a while, he finally look at me and asked:”What’s this?”I told him it’s ginger flavored soda, and asked do you want to try it? He said no!. That’s really funny! He barely asks question, but we created a perfect opportunity and he had to ask, haha!

There was DJ booth with phonographs and playing some old time music. Andre suddenly said Mama dance! Wow. That' was a surprise to us.

It was a great day!

今天去了热气球电影节,指着ginger ale说了这是什么,刚刚画了彩虹,听着DJ说妈妈跳舞
