小飞午觉醒来,闭着眼睛摸妈妈,突然睁眼看到摸的是猫,说 不要猫猫。猫猫自觉下床,去闻脏衣服了。


晚上睡觉让妈妈唱 雪花 (雪绒花)。好久以前唱的歌了。

Nothing special today. Our speech therapist Jill added another session on Sunday from 12:30pm to 1:30pm, which is great! Andre is always off at Jill’s session, I don’t know why. Mom said probably it’s 100% in English and his English is much weaker than his Mandarin Chinese, so he needs more energy to focus. It make sense to me. Hopefully it will be better.