Saying 我累了

We played tennis in the evening, Andre did pretty good, especially the last few balls. He was really tracking the ball bouncing and hit it right on time! When I was planing to keep going, he said 我累了 means “I’m tired”.

THE AERONAUTS movie event in Pasadena Rose Bowl

After lunch Andre was drawing in the garage. He likes drawing with chalk over there. He drew a picture with sun, cloud and little rainbow. After we got in the car, Andre said to Mom: I just drew a rainbow. That was the first time he was talked/shared with us about what he did!

We then went to THE AERONAUTS movie event in Pasadena Rose Bowl. All the service people were dressed up and had British ascent as the movie was about a story happened in 1862 flight of some British aeronauts. A lot of fun, free food, drinks, games, photo booth, etc. I got a cup of ginger ale, and let Andre try it. I knew he doesn’t like all kinds of soda, and waited to see what going to happen. He looked at it really carefully, and smell it, as there are some small bubbles in it and it obvious looked specious to him. lol. He put the cup on his mouth but was really hesitate to taste it. After a while, he finally look at me and asked:”What’s this?”I told him it’s ginger flavored soda, and asked do you want to try it? He said no!. That’s really funny! He barely asks question, but we created a perfect opportunity and he had to ask, haha!

There was DJ booth with phonographs and playing some old time music. Andre suddenly said Mama dance! Wow. That' was a surprise to us.

It was a great day!

今天去了热气球电影节,指着ginger ale说了这是什么,刚刚画了彩虹,听着DJ说妈妈跳舞


Saying I'm tired for the first time!

Today when I was driving, I asked Andre what color/shape is watermelon, he was kind of spending a lot of energy of thinking and trying to putting his word out, as he didn’t sleep well, and was tired. After I pushing him and using candy as reinforcer for a few rounds, he said “annoying”. lol. I was keep pushing him, and then he said “I’m tired“. Hahaha. That was amazing.

今天让Andre想和说西瓜是什么颜色和形状的,他说“讨厌”,然后几轮之后他说“I'm tired” lol

Tons of activities and fun today!

A lot of activities today! We went to a tennis event in Arcadia first. Andre was really nervous as there were a lot of kids around. He was not able to do anything, kind of freezing over there. He could not even jump… After a while he seemed getting used to this environment a little bit. We helped him to play some games at the booths, and he won some tickets and exchanged some gifts like rubik's cube. He was happy.

After the tennis we went to Pasadena for another event. He decorated a little pumpkin and it started raining. Andre started scripting the paw patrol “it’s raining…“ lol


After lunch we went to Pasadena Model Railroad Club. They had open house today. A lot of model trains! Andre likes train a lot and we stayed there for a while.

And then we went to the Santa Monica Beach. That was the first time Andre like to play the wet sand! We build sand castle together. I dug a hole on sand and made it a mud puddle. Andre was jumping in it for 30 minutes, just like the peppa pig! Very first time! Yay! After he got tired of jumping I put him on the bike and did a ride. He liked riding fast! Keep saying faster. A lot of vestibular imput!

LA Opera had a free opera at santa monica pier tonight starting at 7:30pm but that was too late for us. So we missed it.

Whew, what a day!




去另一个活动装饰了小南瓜,把所有贴纸都贴了一遍。下雨了,小飞重复着paw patrol里面的台词 its raining!



然后坐爸爸自行车飞快的在沙滩边小路行驶。小飞说 还要快!

La opera had performance at Santa Monica peer, but we couldn't stay that late (7:30 to start).

Wow! Andre played Sand on a beach with bare feet! First time!

We went to the Frank G. Bonelli Regional Park today, and I was planing let Andre step on sand for a little bit as he was always very sensitive with sand on his feet, and he hasn’t step on sand for months. So when we walk towards the beach I told him we were going to play the sand for a little bit. Andre replied “play the sand for a little bit“. After we got to the beach I put him down (he was already bare feet), he was totally fine!!! No whining, no complaints at all! He was not tolerating it. He was 100% good! I was so surprised! We used a little bucket to build some sandcastles, and he enjoyed it a lot. Also he kicked/played a beach ball. He was so happy!

He was good with sand not because of we put him on sand a lot and desensitized. It’s really because of his nerve system is much more mature and the sensory integration is much better! Nice!


I played some piano tonight, and Andre started to dance with the rhythm of Bach BW 974 Adagio! This was the first time!

Andre第一次随着爸爸的钢琴声跳舞,左右脚交换重心晃悠。爸爸弹的是巴赫974 adagio.

Andre used some new words asking for help on Grace's OT session

The OT Grace pushed Andre a little bit with some difficult fine motor tasks, and surprisingly Andre used some words he never used before asking for help, like “Mom help me to do this“ and “Mom hurry up!“ lol. Very funny. That’s a perfect example that Language is based on social needs.

Grace阿姨fine motor很难,一想帮帮什么都说出来了。比如 妈妈帮我弄,快点儿。。。



First time Andre liked to kick / play a ball!

We went to the Peter F. Schabarum Regional Park today and brought a beach ball. I’m so surprised he liked to kick a ball! He was never interested in this before. Actually he kicked back and forth with me for 5,6 minutes!

There was a ice cream truck, so we prompted him to buy an ice cream. He started to like ice cream recently. He did not like it before because of the texture and sensory issue. It seem his sensory integration is getting much better now!

今天第一次在公园踢了很久的beach ball!

First time Andre riding a train!

Andre loves trains a lot and comes to a nearby train station very often and watches them. We rode a train today! From City of Industry to Union Station. First time ever for Andre. I could tell he was very curious and looking a round a lot. Very good experience for him. We brought the bikes and did a little riding in downtown LA.

A little long story when we came back, and it all started I lost the key the bike’s lock. We stopped by Spring Arcade building for dinner as Andre was hungry. Mom decided to lock the bikes. After the dinner, I could not find the key anymore! OMG. It turned out we called the locksmith and cut the lock. For 60 bucks!!!.. SIgh…. Of course we missed the train and took the bus back. This was the first time Andre took a bus as well. Hmm, maybe not the first time as I remember we took a bus from subway station to LAX before when he was really small. It was long time ago, I cannot remember clearly, and we traveled a lot during that time, as I took a lot of wedding photography jobs out of Los Angeles, and he traveled with me most of the time. Anyway, this was the first time he really noticed what’s going on with riding the bus. He was happy!

After the bus we rode the bike home in the dark… and stopped by a police and being asked what’s going on! all unexpected. lol. We went back home pretty late but safely and we all were very tired.

Amazing day!

小飞第一次坐火车,左看右看眼睛都不够用了。后来爸爸把自行车车锁的钥匙丢了,在downtown arcade吃完饭后就没赶上火车,后来小飞又第一次坐了公共汽车,还是两趟,第二趟车其中一站有个骑车人没上来,因为汽车前面只能架两辆车。。。这是爸爸丢钥匙的蝴蝶效应。后来到了la Puente mall爸爸决定骑车回,结果高速边上没有便道,推着过草地,还被警察堵截,背告知不戴头盔违法。小朋友有惊无险的回到家。特别晚,特别累,也特别有意思。

Andre got his teeth cleaned today!

He is really well! Look at him! Very cooperative and calm! His teeth are all good!

